Sunday, August 19, 2018

Lava Land Part 24: Is The Rainbow a Sign?

By Jill Steele
Author "Blood on the Orchids
Owner Hawaiian Magic Tropical Flowers

Cape Kumukahi Lighthouse and Kapoho
This week Paradise Helicopters offered me a free opportunity to view the eruption.  When I saw the size of the helicopter, I almost changed my mind.  It looked like my childhood memory of George Jetson’s cartoon aero-car.  I hadn’t realized it would be so small. I had a middle seat, which was the space equivalent of the center back seat of a two seater truck. I confess, when we first took off, I had a moment of fear and claustrophobia.  The pilot was sensitive, respectful and accommodating after I told him I’d lost my home.  He took us through Hilo, past the macadamia nut fields and Kaloli Point before heading towards Cape Kumukahi and Green Mountain, the only landmarks left as identifiers for where my house and our community once was.

The span of the lava flow is massive.  Beautiful, green Puna all black now with small, random areas of green. I have spent hours on the internet looking at pictures, trying to figure out where my home was but now I have seen the devastation with my own eyes. I know it sounds strange but I like to imagine my home intact under the lava as if in another dimension.  I am grateful to Paradise Helicopters for offering all of us who lost homes the opportunity to find closure.  I have come to the conclusion, now that I have seen the lava from both a boat and a helicopter,  that the best way to find closure is to continue planning for the future and to make where we are feel like home.  Our tour ended over the Wailuku River (Hawaii’s longest river at 28 miles long) as our pilot pointed out its numerous waterfalls.
Our house is in the center at the end of the rainbow.

Two hurricanes have been headed our way in the past few weeks and relatives have called to check in with us.  I tell them we are not worried, prepared, but not worried.  After all, where did all of our worrying about the lava lead? What wasted emotion.
I saw a rainbow above our house as I walked Luna yesterday morning, and seeing it made me feel hopeful for the future. Writing about our emotional journey is therapy and I will continue until I’ve no more words.  I am looking forward to that day. 

By Jill Steele
Author "Blood on the Orchids
Owner Hawaiian Magic Tropical Flowers


  1. Girl, cannot even imagine what you saw. I too am looking toward a future, yet would like to see what is left behind. Mahalo for sharing!

  2. I hope the flight brought closure (at least a segment of the journey toward closure.) I was on the wait list for a helicopter flight. I guess I will call to see where I am on the list. Thank you for sharing this.
